These pictures and video are from our Christmas celebration. We do a Christmas celebration every year with children and give them gifts as well.  As a Christian organization we believe that Christmas is the day to share God’s love to our children and let them know that God never left them out of His everlasting love. Jesus said, let little children come to me. He loves them and cares for them and wants to reveal his purpose to them. When they know the importance of celebrating Christmas, they will see God’s love. This is the reason they came together to celebrate the day of Christmas. 

The starting of the Christmas celebration and gift giving.
Flour, cooking oil, and soap that was purchased and provided to the kids and their families.
Our kids and their supporters.
One of the kids receiving gifts.
One of our supporters/volunteers praying for the gifts and kids, that they may grow with favor, be protected from evil, and that they may be productive to themselves and to their country.
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1 Comment

Mark · September 6, 2022 at 6:49 am

Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

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