
To see street children come out from life on the street and become a resourceful and productive generation.


To meet the crisis of spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional need in street children by providing instructive programs and nurturing care.

Sympathy for Children

Children in poverty need protection. When war, natural disaster, and conflict strike, children are the first to suffer. They face sickness, hunger, lack of shelter, and death. As a Christian charity organization, we want to show God’s love to needy children by supporting them and helping them see their own bright futures. God spoke about protecting the poor, and as a Christian organization we want to do our part to protect them. Your support will help in this mission.  

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and needy” (Proverbs 31:8-9).


Bright Future Children’s Foundation is a Christian organization centered in Hawassa, Ethiopia, working with vulnerable communities to alleviate poverty, suffering, and crime, and bringing hope to children. Etenesh Tilahun is one of the leaders in Bright Future Children’s Foundation; she is passionate about supporting needy children. Etenesh has dedicated herself to this charity organization and works without ceasing to bring positive change in our kids’ lives. She has been doing this good work for many years with material and spiritual support, and today she continues to have the same passion and burden for those who are suffering with hunger.. 

In 1999 she began to support needy children little by little from the small income she had. With confidence, she started sharing her vision with people, and then she began to ask some of her friends and the church members to contribute some to her work. For the past few years, she has supported children with a small amount of money, buying food, learning materials, and clothes for the children she supports. Her passion for kids initiated her to pray for them and share God’s love with them. She also follows up their study to make sure they are doing well with school. Today, she is able to support fourteen children with yours and our help. She has impacted many children with her kind support, but here are more needy children that we want to help.

Core Values

  • Excellence: doing your best with the gifts God has given you.
  • Service: always being ready to serve others in humility.
  • Gratitude: being mindful that everything we do is not just from our own efforts.


  • We believe that children deserve to be loved and taken care of.
  • We believe that children can be fulfilled through the unique responsibilities of which they are capable.
  • We believe that children are able to carry the light of the kingdom of God into the world
  • We believe that children deserve to be happy


  • For children to dwell in safety and security.
  • For children to be able to work for success in their education.
  • For children to be right with God in everything they do.

Guiding Scripture

“But Jesus called the children to him and said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.’” (Luke 18:16 NIV)